Crown Money Management


Live mortgage free & financially secure

Own your home faster, pay less interest and secure your family’s financial freedom today.

Success Stories...

WOW! At first I was reluctant to jump on board and join the the Crown program but was convinced by my wife and took the plunge. To have paid off our mortgage so quickly (Under 5 Years) is insane, and the financial freedom we now have to choose what we do, is life changing. Of course you have to make changes but the end goal is worth it. My biggest worry was not having control of my money and not being able to enjoy the things I was used to. While sacrifices were made I always had control and enjoyed all the things I previously had while still making huge progress to reduce my mortgage. The Crown team do all the hard work for you and then you enjoy the benefits. The feeling of being debt free at a reasonably young age is hugely satisfying and I'm excited to keep working with Crown to ensure we retire early and comfortably. My only regret is that i hesitated and i could have been enjoying this feeling 6 months earlier. Give Scott a call now and let him set you up to be debt free much sooner than you could imagine.
Danielle Parish
Danielle Parish
When we heard about crown money we were a bit reluctant to try it out. Two friends of ours had already been part of crown money for over a year and swore by the concept. We gave it a try and wished we had of done it sooner. In 16 months we have paid more off our mortgage than we would have paid in 16 years. We are looking forward to being mortgage free in under 5 years. Thankyou Scott and the team for creating a life of financial freedom and early retirement.
Adam Stoops
Adam Stoops
Crown money made my life so much easier. I didnt realise how much energy i was spending trying to balance all my finances, not having to worry about paying bills each month leaves me with much more free time. Access to knowledgeable consultants and monthly updates and long with bi annual video reports of progress allow you to measure your success.
Abbey Hutchesson
Abbey Hutchesson
Ruben and the team do an excellent job, we are very grateful to have found an easy way to save and track our money. Highly recommend contacting the team if you are looking to get ahead and get your money sorted.
Kath Mac
Kath Mac
After a referral from a friend Reuben was amazing so helpful with every step of the way explaining things simply to help me understand how beneficial there structure can be reducing my debt alot sooner than I could imagine. Great team of staff & completely reccommend Crown Money they work for you & take away the stress.
Riley Lehr
Riley Lehr
My wife and I were looking to buy a house and we got put in touch with Reuben who took time out of his weekend to get on a call with us to explain the mortgage structure and go over our financial options. He was very friendly and helpful, and was able to give us some really useful information about how quickly we'd be able to pay off our mortgage using their payment structure. We were able to quickly have an offer for a house accepted and Crown was even able to help us bring settlement forward when the previous owners left early, they handled almost all the paperwork and made the process super easy for us. Can't recommend these guys enough for your finance needs.
Ravin Girdhar
Ravin Girdhar
We have been working with Craig Parry from Crown Money Management for the last three years and he has been managing our mortgages. He has always provided us with great advice and has helped us pay down our home loans faster. He is very knowledgeable and professional. We highly recommend him.
Wes Robinson
Wes Robinson
I can’t recommend Crown Money high enough. Reuben and the team have been first class in their efforts and have always kept us up to date with the progress of our refinance. Nothing was too big or too small. Reuben’s customer service was a clear highlight throughout the experience. Many thanks again Reuben & Crown Money!
Enrika Barron
Enrika Barron
I have just become part of the Crown Money Management Family having completed the necessary requirements for them to look after me and my finances. Scott Parry took the time to call me to check in, congratulate me and welcome me to this new exciting chapter that is to begin in my life, even though he was overseas on a holiday! I was touched by this gesture and became emotional for his thoughtfulness and kindness in taking the time to reassure me and make me feel secure. When it comes to money, it does not come easily to me as I find it very stressful and causes me great anxiety in completing the necessary tasks to complete the refinancing. As a single woman, it can be a daunting process in mapping out a future that provides financial security, yet allowing you to live comfortably and enjoy life. The team at Crown Money have been instrumental in supporting me through this process and being more than patient with me and for that, I am very appreciative. I couldn't be happier in engaging the team at Crown Money to guide, support and help me in believing that I will be financially comfortable. As I start my new financial journey, it's time to get used to settling into this new way of managing my money. It will be a complete change of mindset and I will learn and grow from this. I now know that I don't have to manage my money from a deficit mindset but can start to live a life where I can make my dreams come true. Thank you most sincerely from the bottom of my heart for giving me security, a safety net and the reassurance to know that I will be alright. That's all I needed to allay my worries and fears in this current economic climate and Crown Money Management have given me that peace of mind. Scott, I was touched by your phone call and I look forward to a bright, happy future being able to experience all that life has to offer.
Troy Barratt
Troy Barratt
Like a lot of you, I was sitting on the fence about what to do with my home loan. After a meeting with Reuben, that quickly changed. The feeling of saying goodbye to one of the big banks was awesome, and I couldn't be happier. If you're thinking about changing your life for the better, make an appointment with Reuben, and I guarantee you won't look back, possibly one of the best decisions you could make.


Are you frustrated with having your income devoured by your home loan repayments every single month and your home loan not reducing fast enough?

Do you know where all your money goes?

It’s not about how much you earn, it’s about how much you keep of what you earn!
We can help you pay off your house in up to half the time by getting you on to the right financial structure.

What would your life be like if it was mortgage free?

Crown Money Are Australia’s Leading Equity Creation And Mortgage Reduction Specialists.

For over 20 years, Crown Money has helped thousands of hard-working Australian families fast-track their mortgage repayments, enabling them to transform their home ownership dreams into a reality. With our financial strategies, structure & support clients have increased their savings by over 200% and will pay their house off in 50% of the time. 

Do you want to see how much money we can SAVE you ?

our average client pays $32,400 a year off their home loan and saves 21% of their income.

How we help you maximise your financial position:
How we help you maximise your financial position:

see how we can help you

We’ll walk you through 7 easily actionable steps that will kickstart your financial goals and save you thousands of dollars.

Currently Have A Home Loan?

We’ve developed a system that has helped everyday hard-working Aussies...

Need To Consolidate Debt?

With the right approach and help, you could feel the freedom of a debt free life...

Want To Create Wealth?

With the right financial strategy in place, you could pay off your mortgage...

Are You 50+?

Retire debt-free and enjoy your well-earned retirement...

Want To Buy An Investment Property?

We can tell you how much you can borrow, what you can do to enhance...

Looking To Buy Your First Home?

With the right approach, you could set yourself up for success, and have...

accountability is the key.

you need a financial strategy so you know exactly where you should be financially at any point in time and what your next steps are on the pathway to financial freedom.

You know you could be doing better financially…

People always spend what they have access to, it’s human nature!

Over the last 20 years we’ve spoken to over 6,500 people just like you, and we know that just showing you how to budget and change your spending habits isn’t enough.

We have to coach you monthly throughout your financial journey and show you exactly where you can improve your financial position, so you can consistently make financial progress because you’re making smarter financial decisions.

Your dedicated financial coach will work with you to help you reduce your fixed expenses, stop those unnecessary impulse buys, keep track of your milestones and help you stay focused so you can achieve your financial goals.

Our Services

Here’s how the Crown Money Program Works

Be on Your Way to a Life Free from Mortgage Prison in 3 easy steps

We are the experts in helping families live DEBT FREE

A FREE intro Financial Strategy Session

Our dedicated team of Financial Coaches will get an understanding of your financial goals, analyse your current mortgage structure and results and then present you with a financial freedom plan for fast-tracking your mortgage and show you exactly how much money and time they can save you and your family.

We Take Care of all the details

We handle all the paperwork, we set the structure up for you, we deal with your current bank, we make the transition as smooth as possible for you. All you need to worry about is earning and spending money, we take care of the rest. No more worrying about money is what our clients say they love most about this program.

Watch Your Equity Grow

No more spinning the wheels on your mortgage paying mostly interest! We report to you each and every month on how much PRINCIPAL you are paying off your mortgage, How long you have to go on your mortgage and when you’re ready to make your next move financially.

Financial Progress = Happiness


Crown Money is one of Australia’s leading financial coaching services where we have been helping clients pay off their houses in up to half the time. We structure client’s mortgages in a way that allows them to cut anywhere from 40 to 50% off the total amount that they will end up paying for their home, allowing them to be debt free up to twice as fast. 

When most people get a standard home loan, at the end of their 30 year loan term they end up paying back close to double the original loan amount to the bank due to interest payments. 

For the past 20 years we have specialised in helping clients save thousands of dollars in interest repayments and pay off their house much faster than what they’re currently tracking for. 

We have a wide range of financial coaching services to cater for all Australians and their financial needs and we also have financial coaching programs for people who don’t have a mortgage and need help with their money management.

The cost varies depending on the service level that our clients choose. We have bronze, silver and gold packages which allow our clients to decide how much financial coaching they require and how frequently they require our help and guidance.

If you have a deposit saved and you’re looking to purchase a property, we have a finance arm that helps you find the ideal finance structure and pre-approvals to enable you to purchase a property. If you don’t have a deposit, we will have to discuss with you a fee for service based on your specific circumstances.

The easiest way to describe the difference between an offset account and what we do as financial coaches is think of an offset account as a gym membership.

We’re like a gym membership with a personal trainer built in. We know that people with personal trainers get better results than those who just try and attempt to go to the gym themselves.

Offset accounts are there to traditionally help ‘offset’ interest. However, they don’t accelerate the reduction in principal to be paid out in under 15 years due to the way the offset loans are structured.

We deliberately structure our money management system so that it reduces principal rapidly and offsets interest at the same time. Getting a 2 prong attack of debt reduction and interest offset working in your favour. The other key difference we have seen with an offset account is they usually only save clients four or five years off a 30-year loan, compared to the vast majority of our clients using our Financial Coaching structure are out of debt and own their homes in under 15 years. The clients on the Crown Money Management system are outperforming what they were doing before they met us when they had an offset account, even though they have the same income and debt level.

Most of our clients have come from an offset account and a ‘cheap rate’ with a bank as their offset account wasn’t working as well for them as they had expected. Those clients are now saving 200% more and paying down their loans in 50% of the time. A big reason for this uplift in their performance is the financial coaching and software that allows us to coach you on your financial numbers such as your savings rate, your debt reduction speed, surplus cashflow position, what day you will own your home, and how much equity you’ve created in your property. The guidance we provide clients around increasing your income, with scripts and strategies on how to get pay rises, as well as helping reduce their expenses with initiatives such as Crown Coins and auditing your fixed expenses are key reasons these clients make and save as much money as possible compared to an offset account.

This Money Management system is designed to help accelerate your debt reduction as well as your net worth, and just because you’re disciplined and stick to a budget doesn’t mean that you’re outperforming financially. If you don’t know your numbers or measure them you aren’t in control financially. Do you know when you can make your next financial move such as buying your next property? Do you know how much you could afford, and when you can afford to do that? Do you know your savings rate? Your surplus cash flow position? Do you know exactly what day you’re going to pay your house off ?

Just because you stick to a budget doesn’t mean that you’re financially secure and in the best position where your money is working the hardest for you and you’re making excellent financial progress.

A lot of the time people do not have a financial plan in place. We come in and help build that financial strategy and tailor it to clients and their specific goals and dreams.

No, we don’t control anyone’s money and we don’t pay anyone’s bills for them. We specifically help with the management of all cash flow and optimize it to make sure that your cash flow structure is running as efficiently as possible.

We simply make sure that your funds are available for you when your bills and large expenses are due.

We do not hold any money on behalf of you. Your loan and your bank accounts are in your name, so all your banking is with your bank or the new financial institution that you choose to take out your finances with. We do not hold any money on behalf of any clients at any time.

Most Australians think they can achieve great financial results as long as they’ve got a cheap rate and an offset account, but having seen over 6,500 Australian’s financial positions (with offset accounts and cheap rates), they’re unfortunately not outperforming the average Australian. Their savings rate is below 7%. Our average client savings rate is above 20%. Their annual debt reduction is close to $10,000pa and our average client’s annual debt reduction is over $30,000+.

Your current bank is focused on keeping you in debt for as long as possible, they’re financially incentivised to make sure you’re paying interest for the longest period of time.

We have designed loan structures and money management systems to help you reduce interest, cut down your loan term and make sure your money is working as hard as possible for you.

We all hate paperwork 🙂 This is similar to going on an overseas holiday. You’ve got the check-in, you’ve got the baggage check, and you’ve got customs and then you’ve got boarding of the plane… All of those frustrating hoops you’ve got to jump through to get to your final destination …. an amazing island holiday.

It’s very similar to this process as there is paperwork required, being in the financial services industry we need to be compliant with all the rules and regulations.

We have to comply with Anti Money Laundering, Know-Your-Client and Best Interest duty, it is an unavoidable part of this process.

The time for the Money Management system to be implemented and setup usually takes four weeks to six weeks from our initial meeting.

Clients usually have a ‘float’ sitting in their spending account or their Visa debit account. This float, is usually $1000+, and is sitting there to cover any emergencies on the weekends.

We are also able to help access funds for an emergency usually within a few hours. There are plenty ways to access money if there’s an emergency and we ensure that you’ll never be caught short.

There are no lock-in contracts, there are no handcuffs or penalties for leaving. You can come and go as you please. So if you want out, you can leave at any time. There’s no break costs. There’s no exit fees. Pure and simply you can pick and choose when you come and when you go.

Well, why weren’t you doing this before today? Probably because you didn’t know about it, it’s not something that your bank or your broker has discussed with you how you need a financial coach. We let our 20+ years of above average results, case studies, testimonials and happy google reviews speak for themselves.

Did we not answer your question? See more FAQ here

Get started with a FREE financial strategy session

To compare and analyse what you’re currently achieving financially with your current loan structure, and what you could potentially achieve on the Crown Money program based on your financial figures:

Your Crown Money journey begins with an initial obligation-free chat with one of our financial coaches. They will ask you about your financial situation, gain an understanding of your financial goals, determine your eligibility for the program and provide you with the next steps.

The Crown Money Difference - Client Financial Transformations

We Are On Your Side - Not the Banks!

Learn from Crown Money’s founder and CEO Scott Parry on how you can beat the banks and pay off your home loan in under 15 years.

Don’t just take our word for it

We’re often featured in many trusted sources


The Crown Money Difference - Client Financial Transformations

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We’ll show you the financial strategies that help one of our clients pay off their loan every 23 days.

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